
Let's Take A Step Back...

For those who don't know much about where zombies originated from, here's a little intro:
Zombies are originally from Haitian and African descent, they believe that those who die unnaturally, such as murder, hang about their graves. Melissa Nasiruddin says “Haitian voodoo folklore recognizes a dual identity of zombis: one form of zombi is an ambulatory body without a living soul, and the other, lesser-known form is a soul wandering without a body,” but also in this culture, zombies aren’t the predators but the prey.

Benjamin Radford says that “Haitian zombies... are corpses who have been re-animated and controlled by magical means for some specific purpose, usually labor. Bokors - witch doctors - are believed to have the magical power to zombify a person and were widely feared and respected.” While Melissa Nasiruddin says “...zombification, is thought to occur when a sorcerer, or boko, performs a combination of dark magic spells on a person to kill, enslave, or inflict illness upon him...” Both claiming the same thing but Nasiruddin believes that they’re possessed and used for evil actions.

If these zombies are possessed, then wouldn't there be a way to release them from their state of possession? For example, an exorcism? Nasiruddin declares “the only way a zombi can be freed from its slavery is if the spell jar containing its ti-bon anj [its awareness and memory] is broken, or if it ingests salt or meat. The latter would usually cause the zombi to hunt down and kill its master before finally returning to its family or its final rest as a corpse.”

All Images from: https://www.google.com 

1 comment:

  1. Very good blog. Blog was very detailed and described the transition from how zombies were originally created in Haiti's to now in our mass media being presented as what will become of us if we as a society do not treat illnesses and diseases. I enjoyed the correlation of zombie apocalypse to thriller, usually everyone uses I am legend which is almost a given, but it was nice to see change in different zombie blogs. Overall I enjoyed how you made a distinction of why zombies are depicted to be “walking dead” creatures, similar to being infected with rabies or a disease just a severe. Try putting an input on how you analyze the topic, instead of going solely based off what others say. Good work
